Why I support Legacy of Care giving opportunities
A Giving Tree is displayed outside the dining hall and is beginning to fill with ornaments – each one representing one of five pillars of the Legacy of Care giving opportunities: the Resident Benevolence Endowment, Workforce Investment, Enrichment and Innovation, Capital Support, and Where the Need is Greatest.
Although the tangible evidence of the current Legacy of Care Season of Giving (May 2–June 16) is a new concept for Covenant Village, the spirit of Legacy of Care first emerged as foundational for Covenant Village more than 40 years ago — when a group of local community leaders partnered to raise funding to start this retirement community that has since become home to generations of local families.
That same spirit embodies the hearts and mission of a group of current Covenant Village residents, future residents, and Board members who are volunteering to serve on the Legacy of Care Committee – a group that meets regularly to provide guidance and feedback centering on philanthropic initiatives.
In their own words, these committee members support the Legacy of Care because…
“It is my hope that Covenant Village will be able to more fully enjoy the resources that already inspire a caring, comfortable, and compassionate way of life.” Lauren Vanacore, Covenant Village Board Member.
“We have experienced the care and attention that my mother-in-law has received from living in the apartments when she first moved to Covenant Village in 2019, then in Founders Hall, and now as a resident of the Memory Garden Wing.” Daphne Friday, future Covenant Village resident.
“Legacy of Care provides the opportunity for me to direct a contribution to a project or departments in which I have a special interest. Sometimes a good idea comes up and there isn’t sufficient budget to implement it. That’s where targeted financial contributions can make it happen.” John McDonald, current resident.
“I support the compassion our whole community expresses by having a fund to support our friends here, who through no fault of theirs, have outlived their assets. I also believe it is only fitting and proper that we offer support to our employees who want to better themselves in education and/or training to grow in their field. John Weisenhorn, current resident.
“We love living here and spending time with friends, old and new. Giving through Legacy of Care is one way we can and will express our love for this place, its amazing staff, and our fellow residents. We are proud to call Covenant Village home, grateful, and humbled by the special treatment we receive every day and happy to be able to express our gratitude by supporting the Legacy of Care.” Mick McMahan, current resident.
“It gives me peace of mind to know that Covenant Village will take care of David and me for the rest of our lives, regardless of our health issues or our finances, and that Covenant Village staff will work to actively engage us as long as possible.” Sarah Wentz, current resident.
“Being able to designate a contribution for a specific area in the Legacy of Care philanthropy program is a special opportunity. I now have a way to show my appreciation for the care and compassion my parents and great-aunts received and that I now also enjoy. As a third-generation resident, I am grateful to have a way to contribute through Legacy of Care that reflects the Covenant Village purpose and vision.” Frances Crockett, Covenant Village Board Member and current resident.
“The Resident Benevolent Fund ensures that no resident will ever have to leave Covenant Village. The Legacy of Care gives us the opportunity to provide for the sustainability of care that Covenant Village provides for its residents.” Jesse Mills, current resident.
Gifts to Legacy of Care are received throughout the year, but now is a wonderful time to make a gift in honor or memory of a parent, loved one, family member, or friend. For more information about the Legacy of Care, please email legacyofcare@covenantvillagenc.com or contact Covenant Village CEO Dale Melton or members of the Legacy of Care Committee.