Graphic of Lessons from Dad to Live By

Lessons from Dad To Live By

Covenant Village Fathers Day Tribute Collage“Be kind, patient, considerate, and treat others with respect.”  – Resident John McDonald

“Being an example is a two-edged blade. It can be either positive or negative. We are charged to love one another, and that means to live our lives in a manner that encourages others by our positive example.” – Resident son Rob Pearson

“My father made me want to be a Covenant Village resident.” – Frances Crockett, current resident and daughter of a past resident.

“His selfless nature showed me that true generosity involves giving more than material possessions—it’s about sharing time, being a good listener, knowledge, and energy to help others.” Matt Poovey, CEO Champion Thread, son of a past resident.

Legacies of life lessons are abundant at Covenant Village. We asked current residents and children of residents, both living and those who have completed their journey, to share some life lessons from Dad that we all can live by today. This question about life lessons from Dad prompted beautiful tributes, filled with wisdom and inspiration. Excerpts from the tributes were published in the June 2024 issue of The Villager newsletter.

On this Father’s Day, we are delighted to share the full versions of those tributes in a booklet, which you can read online here: Lessons from Dad To Live By.


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