Assistance — A very good word!
Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good (encouraging) word cheers him up (Proverbs 12:25).
Everyone has experienced anxiety, dread, fear, or worry (all synonymous in my estimation) at some point in life. Some of us experience it on a more frequent basis than others.
My husband, Cory, often reminds me to “trust the Lord” and “stop worrying!” If I were in a room and the question was asked, “Which of you struggle with anxiety?” my hand would slowly go up as I gazed around the room to see who else was lifting their hand with me. One thing I know is that a good word of encouragement can drastically calm and cheer the soul.
I’m learning that perspective plays a lead role in the way we function as individuals. Our perspective on any given situation has a direct correlation with the outcome. This may not always be seen tangibly, but our perspective unquestionably affects our mindset, attitude, and demeanor, which in turn affects our decisions, actions, and quite often our health.
I recently had the opportunity to speak with Matt Gibbons, Senior Director of Resident Care and Services, to discuss transitions in level of care at Covenant Village. I believe my compassion for people (in this case, residents) drove my passion to learn more about this important service. I was interested in things such as how levels of care are assessed, how residents respond to these transitions, and what Covenant Village does to make transitions as pleasant and seamless as possible for residents and residents’ families.
Matt came into this role during a world-wide pandemic we all know so well: COVID-19. One thing he and others at Covenant Village noticed quickly was that some independent living residents, who no longer had care and help from outside family and friends due to COVID restrictions, would benefit greatly by transitioning their level of care, where they could receive better care and support. Matt recently shared a document with me (see Assessing Changes in Level of Care) which details what independent living looks like and how CV assesses when someone would profit from moving to the Health Center where they would receive assistance with daily living. I love this statement found in the document: “Many residents have difficulty realizing that they are simply just trying to survive in “Independent Living” . . ., when they could be thriving where proper assistance and care can be given, so they can enjoy all that Life has to promise.”
Thriving. What a great word. It packs a punch, if you ask me. I have a tendency to dissect a word when I want to allow it to saturate my thoughts, teach me something, and/or influence my perspective and mindset.
Thriving is synonymous with flourishing, prospering, and succeeding. This is the goal of care in our Health Center. When someone provides assistance, they are providing support, help, and aid. We ALL need this at any stage and phase of life. However, the type of help and support we need will undoubtedly look different as we move through our various stages and phases.
As a mother to two elementary-aged children, it’s been wonderful to see my kids grow in maturity and independence. As babies and toddlers, they needed my constant (and I mean constant) presence and watchful eye. They required and demanded a LOT of my time and attention. As they age however, they are able to do more and more independently, apart from me. In many ways, this excites me as it proves to be milestones in their growth. At the same time, I have found that more bodies in the home equals more responsibility, which means…I need help! I can’t care for my home by myself—at least not without a ton of stress and pressure. I need assistance from my kids and husband for our family and household to thrive.
Assisting one another is a gift that we give each other in every phase of life. We are called to serve others. At Covenant Village, the community is packed with employees that want to give, help, and serve their extended family, namely, the Covenant Village residents. When I asked Matt how he can best help residents transition through levels of care, he said, “Educate and communicate with compassion.”
Matt sees the importance and impact that education and communication play on one’s perspective. When we are informed, we can understand better. When we have details, we can see more clearly. Covenant Village values the comfort of its residents and does so while making sure they are in the healthiest of environments for their individual situations. Matt made clear that each and every resident has specific and individual needs, and that each will be assessed and cared for accordingly. This is something to rejoice in! Personalized, compassionate, and intentional care…every…single…day.
When it’s time to transition through any level of care, remember these good words to combat anxiety that might try to creep its way in: Life is filled with promise. Receiving assistance with daily living activities, in no way, steals from the promise of your life. To the contrary, accepting help enhances your life—and all those around you.